Sunday, May 18, 2008


Now what the hell are we going to do with it... hmmmmm
umm ok i guess we are going to keep some shyt stirred up like we do with our group and the rest of the MF Please Posse.
SO to begin with WHOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO we have a blog. The joint website will be underway this summer we hope. But some things to look forward to.
If you join(or already a member of) our yahoo group then there are two free by each of us and hopefully soon a joint read.
Look for my first book Tzara's Heart at redrosepublishing(that place rocks harder than garcia) and Look out for Laura's first book WEEKEND CHASE coming from redrosepublishing ultra soon.

As always though we got to give big ups to my sisters and our mentors Jeanie Johnson and Jayha Leigh.
They are doing the dayum thizzle, ya'heardme!!!! omg if you havent then you are so sad...
jump on over to and get re-educated!!!!!!!!! cuz ain't learned nothing about love, food and hot ass alpha men till you read what they have to say.

as always
love and chaos.
drea riley

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Hi Everyone,

We want to welcome everyone to our blog! It is still a work in progress but please let us know what you think and any suggestions!

Drea and Laura